attitude · In Other Words (Quotes) · old age · someone said

Old is as old does…

“There’s nothing I can do about it.”
Jeralean Talley
Her reply when asked about her secret for living to be 116 years old.

I have to agree with Ms Talley, there is nothing we can do about getting older.
Tomorrow I will be a day older than I am today
and on my birthday next year I will be a year older than I was was this year.
Nothing I can do about it except to die and I have no plans for that just yet.
If something happens and I do die there’s nothing I can do about that either.

Anyway, like I said, I agree with old Jeralean,
but I do think we can choose not to be “old”.


It doesn’t matter how old we get we can choose to enjoy
where we are, what we are doing, and maybe for the first time, who we are.
We can choose to tell corny jokes and play poker,
laugh at ourselves and cry watching sad movies,
do crossword puzzles and play computer games.
We can be outspoken and a bit outrageous,
comfortable wearing what we want fashionable or not,
say no to what we don’t like or want, take long naps.
and not feel guilty about doing nothing but daydreaming.

 It doesn’t matter how old we get even if we live to be over 100
we can live and love, happy with our memories and making new ones.
We can share our wisdom with young people
and learn new things from them..

Age is just a number and after awhile you can just make up a number.
Who’s to argue with you?
I mean, maybe Ms Talley is really 118

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Pet the cat to see the words of others.

In Other Words (Quotes) · old age · someone said

There’s nothing I can do…

In Other Words

“There’s nothing I can do about it.”
Jeralean Talley
Her reply when asked about her secret for living to be 116 years old.

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Saturday · speculation

Saturday, speculation…

Disney Tinkerbell Place Mat
Image by hz536n via Flickr

Today is Saturday, October 23, 2010


Someone recently took my picture without my knowledge–not just once but twice!  What a shock when I saw the pictures–I look like an elderly elf!   I know I am not a young woman any more and I am past middle age–unless I live over one hundred years.  So I know that I am an older woman but when did the old elf thing start?

When I am at the mall or in a store somewhere and catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror I am always surprised at how  I look.  When I leave my house I usually feel pretty good about how I look.  I mean I do put some effort into the packaging.  But I think something dastardly happens when I am outside my own four walls.  A nasty witch comes along and zaps me bad!  One time as I was walking toward some mirrors in a store I thought the woman in front of me looked so tired and pale and needed a new hair-do.  It was me–horrors–it was depressing.

In my mind I look how I did when I was thirty, well, maybe forty.  But the thing is I am surprised, almost shocked that I have aged.  Everybody does this getting older thing but when does it sink in that being a senior citizen is no longer a time in the future?

And another thing–why did I think I was so unattractive when I was young?  The truth is–and photographs confirm this–I was quite beautiful.  Not so much when I was a teenager but when I was a young woman.  One time while looking at family pictures my younger brother  commented that I should have been locked  in the attic and let out when I was twenty.  Wonder what he would say if he saw me today?  It may be a good thing that he can’t.  He might think that looking like an elderly elf warrants time in the basement.

Of course, this is written in fun–for the most part.  I am okay with getting older, it doesn’t bother me much.  I do wish I had appreciated what I had when I had it though.  A friend of mine, a woman older than me, says that youth is wasted on the young.  Perhaps she is right.

But then maybe I don’t look like an elderly elf, maybe I look like Tinkerbell if she left Neverland.  Yes, that’s it I look like an old Tinkerbell.