life · Today · whatever!

Wednesday, writing whatever…


Every year I have a word of the year. Sometime in November or December I start thinking about what my word will be and by January 1 I know what it will be. There have been years I didn’t like the word but it is always a word I need to know and think about. Eventually, it becomes clear to me why the word was chosen for me. It’s like magic. 

This year the word is

I need to be reminded of this.  Lately, I have been spending a lot of time in the past.  Not just remembering stuff but letting some of it bother me.  Though there is much of it I would like to erase from memory there is more I am happy to remember.

Besides the past, I have been thinking a lot about the future.  It is okay, even wise to consider the future and make some decisions and plans for it but not to be consumed with what might happen and all the what-ifs that come with overthinking the future.

I think this has to do with being old.  When one is young there is little past to think about and the future seems too far away to give it too much thought and life is busy. That changes. In time the past becomes long, the future short, and there is more time to ponder. I must remember; I have been given today and that is enough.

Today is the most important day of my life. 


I am not so old that I don’t know what day it is.
I know it is Thursday and this is Wednesday’s post.
I had computer issues.
 So, here it is the future and I am posting the past today.

11 thoughts on “Wednesday, writing whatever…

  1. I love this post, Patricia! I enjoy your straightforwardness. We must live in today, in the moment or whatever because the past is gone and who knows what the future will bring.

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