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The fire within…


photo by Dan Carlson

The Fire Within

She looked at the crowd and was frightened but knew she had to speak up against the violence and destruction all around her, she had to find the courage to fight them, not in their way but her way.  There was a fire in her for love and equality that she could not deny and she knew when she spoke out against the hate and bigotry she was witnessing there would be repercussions, but she stood her ground and had her say.  She had no choice but to take the flame and light the fire in others to spread the message of love and equality for everyone everywhere.

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17 thoughts on “The fire within…

  1. Amen, amen! This is exactly the kind of courage that is so desperately needed in these times of mistrust, bigotry and hate! Sometimes we need to stand up and speak out even if we are the only one who dares to take a stand.

    1. There are lots like her…peaceful actions are just quieter than violent ones. I always look forward to your photo prompts they can be tough but that adds to the challenge.

  2. That’s a beautiful story and sentiment. I was like that when I was younger. It’s nice to remember I was once fearless.

    1. I don’t think I have ever been fearless. Stubborn, obstinate and headstrong, yes. Fearless, no. If you were once fearless I bet you still are.

    1. Whoa…more quotes for me to find. Okay if I start this next week? I’m going to try for Monday but it might be Thursday.

    1. It’s hard to stay calm and present the message when everyone around seems intent on anger and chaos. Those who do are my heroes.

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