A to Z Challenge 2017 · The way I see it · whatever!


a is for  age

The way I see it…


When I was a child I was sort of old.
I was very serious and quiet most of the time.
I spent a lot of time thinking.
I was pretty happy where I was.


When I was a teen I was still sort of old.
I was very serious and quiet and afraid of making mistakes.
Being afraid of making mistakes didn’t prevent them but made them seem worse.
I desperately wanted to be older.


As a young woman, I was still quiet but not as serious.
I was kind of wild and rebellious, in a quiet way, but definitely undisciplined.
I had a lot of fun!
Not always in my best interest but still, fun for the most part.
I wanted to be a young woman forever!


In middle age, I got serious again, very very serious.
That was not good.
A little seriousness is good but
when it gets in the way of having a life it’s bad news.


Now I am old in years, not elderly just old(er).
That was the best thing I ever did!
Being old is freeing.
I am semi-serious and seriously serious when it’s needed.
I am happier than I ever have been.
I like myself.
Not sure why it took me so long to get here but
the lessons along the way taught me to live
in the now, not yesterday or tomorrow but today.


In the not too distant future, I will be elderly.
Who knows what that will be like?
All I know is that it will be what it will be.
I am hoping to be an old woman who is wise.
Oh, and I hope to be funny and not too cranky.

The way I see it age isn’t all that important it’s just a number.
Be yourself whatever the number of years you are.

2017 Badgea2z
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16 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge…A

  1. This is great! I am hoping to be that kind of elder too! I do not want to become a miserable old person that drives others away. I am happy with who I am now, and I’m hoping to carry that forward, even though I suspect life will become even more challenging than it already is. I am not so sure about the “golden years” thing, but the sun still shines and Jesus loves me, so I am blessed!

  2. I can totally identify with this life cycle. Although there are times when I still kind of wish I could be my younger self again–and then come back to where I am.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Physically I would like to be my younger self but with the mind and heart I have now. I think that’s called the best of both worlds.

  3. I like this post very much. I could have written it if I was as good with words and writing as you are. I love how you can get your thoughts all organized and get them to behave. My thoughts and words just ramble on. You described me. As a kid I was old before my time and in college I let go. Being older (65), I have allowed myself to say no and to give up the people and things that don’t make my life happy. I am glad you have found a happy time in life… we all deserve to be happy! You hit it out of the ballpark on A!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. I have a tendency to ramble all over the place. It takes a lot of work to get my thoughts organized and more work to make them behave in public. There is grace in being older and I am enjoying the the blessings.

  4. Good post Patricia. Now at the elderly stage of life, I can look back on the many things that have made me what I am and I’m happy with the here and now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

    1. Not sure when elderly comes in but I think I am right on the edge of it. I figure I might as well embrace it and enjoy life.

    1. Nope didn’t love my 40’s but 50 was my best birthday. Everything started to come together then…finally. Now is a good time in my life.

  5. Excellent post, especially the last line to be ourselves no matter what age we are.

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